After the previous days excitement everyone was keen to get out and see what else might be lurking on the island, this was hampered however by a deluge of rain throughout the morning on the 23rd. The 24th was a much better day despite the strong winds in the morning the afternoon gave way to much more pleasant weather.
Good numbers of waders made for interesting start. The line was lead by a rather smart male Ruff at Senness but its supporting cast was more about the volume of birds, 790 Sanderling were joined by 208 Knot, 638 Turnstone, 101 Dunlin and 2 Whimbrel.
21 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were joined by a 2CY Iceland Gull at Bewan and an increase in Hirundine numbers saw 49 Swallows, 31 Sand Martin and 11 House Martins in various locations around the island.
Passerine migrants weren't exactly at a premium but still gave a good showing. A pair of Common Whitethroat at Senness, a Lesser Whitethroat near the War Memorial, 10 Sedge Warblers, a Chiffchaff and our first Spotted Flycatcher of the year around the observatory, which was overdue and very welcome! The days highlight was a very smart male Red-backed Shrike at Lochend, all in all a superb day.
The following day was equally as good despite lower numbers of migrants. Two Spotted Flycatchers were now present, one around the Pier and one trapped, A Pied Flycatcher was also present in the gardens at Holland. The Ruff was still on the shore around Senness and a Song Thrush was on the West coast. Another Cuckoo backed up the big highlights of the day, a female Red-backed Shrike was trapped near the obs but a stunning male Bluethroat at Senness found by Phoebe in the late afternoon, she was due something!
Red-backed Shrike GG
Bluethroat PCO
Iceland Gull GG