1st - 2nd May

With the weather stuck in much of the same pattern, sunny with barely any wind, migrants have been a bit thin on the ground, despite this we've still managed to add a couple of new species to the island year list.
The 1st produced a couple of good birds mixed in with a couple of lingering species that gave the day a good look. The first Arctic Terns of the year were seen off the North end eventually settling on Bewan and off of Westness. An Iceland Gull was seen drifting over Vincoin before eventually gaining height and heading North before it was lost sight. The Blue-headed Wagtail was still around Ancum while a Willow Warbler was present at Dennishill and Chiffchaffs were at Ancum and Bewan, 4 Tree Sparrows were still around Southness and the final bird of the day was a Tree Pipit that flew over Breck in the evening.
The 2nd was much the same with very little to add but a constant dribble of migrants enough to keep everyone on their toes. A Siberian Chiffchaff was trapped at the nets in the early morning while a Collared Dove and Woodpigeon were flushed from the gardens. The Woodpigeon total would gather to 3 birds as the day panned out. A Willow Warbler was present in the Willowherb at Burray and a Chiffchaff and Goldcrest were around the obs. The two Barnacle Geese have been present around Ancum on both days as has a very showy Snow Bunting on the Links. The final addition to the year list was a Wood Sandpiper heard over Ancum in the late evening. 

                                   Snow Bunting


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