5th-6th May
With the weather stuck in the same vein for the last few days things haven't really been moving much on the island. A set of strong Northerly winds on the 5th bought colder weather but with bright sunshine on both days its barely a recipe for birding success in this part of the world, despite the unfavourable conditions some migrants have still made landfall. Arctic Terns have begun their slow filter into the island with 38 present on the 6th. Swallow numbers are also on the up with just shy of 20 birds on the island, however news from further South leads us to believe it won't be the best year for this species. A lone House Martin was present over Cruesbreck on the 6th as was a Tree Pipit at the back of Holland House both being the stand-out migrants of this two day window. A male Ruff was present on Sandsheen before heading over to Ancum on the 6th, although we believe it to be the bird that spent the winter on the island. Dunnocks were present on both days and two Blackcaps on the 6th were joined by a solitary Willow Warbler and 3 Chiffchaffs. Tree Sparrows were at Gerbo on the 5th and Howar on the 6th. Elsewhere singles of Little Tern and Pink-footed Goose rounded off a quiet couple and leave us looking ahead to a promising few days in the early parts of next week.
Tree Pipit
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