9th-11th October

 The quiet birding continues to be a dominating factor in almost everything we talk about at the moment, the weather has been firmly set in a Westerly direction for what feels like weeks. The 11th was probably the pick of the bunch weather wise with two days before being windy and at times quite wet! 

The 9th saw the Richard's Pipit make a brief re-appearance in Kirkie Park West before seemingly evaporating into nothing. A Red-breasted Flycatcher was discovered around Senness in the morning and a Yellow-browed Warbler was still around Veracott while 2 Tree Pipits in the Gravity area and Sibe Chiffchaff made up the best of the rest for the day.

The 10th was a pretty awful day with howling winds and showers, the only highlight being a Hawfinch seen briefly in Holland. The 11th however saw things clear up a bit and a nicer spell of weather was more conducive to birding. A Pectoral Sandpiper was flushed off of Cauldhaim before re-locating to Sandsheen. The Sibe Chiffchaff was seen at Westness and good numbers of Snow Buntings were seen around the island. 

                                    Pectoral Sandpiper with Ringed Plovers


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Unknown saidā€¦
jeg kunne ikke tro at jeg noen gang ville bli gjenforent med min eks-kjƦreste, jeg var sĆ„ traumatisert av Ć„ vƦre helt alene uten kropp Ć„ vƦre ved meg og vƦre sammen med meg, men jeg var sĆ„ heldig en dag Ć„ mĆøte dette mektig trollformler Dr. Kellymanson, etter Ć„ ha fortalt ham om situasjonen min gjorde han alt menneskelig mulig for Ć„ se at kjƦresten min kom tilbake til meg, faktisk etter Ć„ ha trollbundet trolldommen kom min eks-kjƦreste tilbake til meg mindre enn 48 timer, min eks-elsker kom tilbake til meg tilbake og ber meg om at han aldri vil forlate meg igjen, 3 mĆ„neder senere ble vi forlovet og giftet oss, hvis du har samme situasjon er det bare Ć„ kontakte Dr Kellymanson pĆ„ e-posten hans: { Kellymanson520@gmail.com } tusen takk far for at du gjenopprettet eksen min -kjƦreste tilbake til meg,
*Hvis du vil gjenforenes med kjƦresten din.
*Hvis du Ćønsker Ć„ bli gravid.
*Hvis du vil kurere noen form for sykdom.
Kontakt ham for lĆøsning: Whatsapp { +2348162103711 }
E-post: { Kellymanson520@gmail.com }