25th-30th October

 A very mixed bag in terms of birds over the past few days but a lot of it of fairly decent quality. A spell of winds that seemed to have a whiff of Easterly that produced some scarce migrants. 

The 25th was a mostly quiet affair however the appearance of a Red-breasted Flycatcher in Scarfie Geo in the afternoon provided some excitement, followed by a bit of panic. With some of the photos looking pale it needed re-checking but further photos revealed it to be dodgy light making it look pale. The 26th was equally quiet, the Green-winged Teal remained on Gretchen and the Little Bunting from the 24th was re-found in the obs oat crop. The following day was much quieter in poor weather but news on the neighbouring Papa Westray in the evening would mean most of the staff would be away for the subsequent two days. The 28th however did have its highlights before our flight West. The Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll made a brief re-appearance around the obs croft but was difficult to pin down, however in searching for it the team uncovered a Grey Phalarope on Gretchen, 9 Greenfinch and several Common Redpoll and Siskin. The trip for the Varied Thrush on Papay was largely successful and highly enjoyable if made longer by being delayed for fog on the 29th! The 30th saw us return and pick up where we left off, a big dump of thrushes in the afternoon saw over 800 spread across the island with a few Fieldfare and Song Thrush thrown in for good measure. A second Richard's Pipit of the Autumn was found around Senness in the rain as was a Lark sp. at Dennishill that had all the makings of a Short-toed Lark but seemed to vanish in near unbirdable rain and will have remain as unidentified. 

                                   Grey Phalarope
                                   Grey Phalarope 
                The Papa Westray Varied Thrush, would've been rude not to include a photo of it really!


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Unknown saidā€¦
jeg kunne ikke tro at jeg noen gang ville bli gjenforent med min eks-kjƦreste, jeg var sĆ„ traumatisert av Ć„ vƦre helt alene uten kropp Ć„ vƦre ved meg og vƦre sammen med meg, men jeg var sĆ„ heldig en dag Ć„ mĆøte dette mektig trollformler Dr. Kellymanson, etter Ć„ ha fortalt ham om situasjonen min gjorde han alt menneskelig mulig for Ć„ se at kjƦresten min kom tilbake til meg, faktisk etter Ć„ ha trollbundet trolldommen kom min eks-kjƦreste tilbake til meg mindre enn 48 timer, min eks-elsker kom tilbake til meg tilbake og ber meg om at han aldri vil forlate meg igjen, 3 mĆ„neder senere ble vi forlovet og giftet oss, hvis du har samme situasjon er det bare Ć„ kontakte Dr Kellymanson pĆ„ e-posten hans: { Kellymanson520@gmail.com } tusen takk far for at du gjenopprettet eksen min -kjƦreste tilbake til meg,
*Hvis du vil gjenforenes med kjƦresten din.
*Hvis du Ćønsker Ć„ bli gravid.
*Hvis du vil kurere noen form for sykdom.
Kontakt ham for lĆøsning: Whatsapp { +2348162103711 }
E-post: { Kellymanson520@gmail.com }