24th August
An early fieldfare in the morning was quite unexpected, a greenshank was on Bewan Loch and the cuckoo was at Rue. Things picked up a little in the afternoon with 2 garden warbler at Ancum, a sedge warbler at the Obs' and a light southerly passage of crossbills, 29 in total. The first barred warbler of the autumn was at Kirbest in the evening and a whinchat appeared in the obs' crop. A grey plover was in Linklet Bay, a noticeable increase in wildfowl included 103 wigeon and 7 pintail on Ancum Loch and singles of merlin and hen harrier were seen. Other counts included 2 each of whimbrel and black-tailed godwit, a swift, 2 white wagtail, 307 meadow pipit and a willow warbler.
