31st August
Seawatching again featured through the day and provided the days birding highlight in the form of a very close great shearwater, plus totals of 1827 fulmar, 20 sooty and 161 manx shearwater, 111 storm petrel, 380 gannet and 199 kittiwake. After a distant sighting early morning a pod of 4 killer whales spent over an hour seemingly playing around Seal Skerry before heading out northwest. A garden warbler and 2 willow warbler were at Holland, with 3 more of the latter elsewhere, an unstreaked acrocephalus warbler was seen briefly in the Obs' kale crop and 8 crossbills were at Westness. Other sightings included 3 ruff by the school, 3 black-tailed godwit and 5 whimbrel.
