30th August
Migrant passerines were still thin on the ground with a willow warbler and a pied flycatcher at Holland and 3 crossbill, and waders included a black-tailed godwit, 3 ruff and 53 knot. The day became much more exciting at lunchtime when 4 killer whales spent a short while off the north end, and the totals of 5 hours seawatching are as follows; 314 gannet, 1253 fulmar, 5 sooty and 109 manx shearwater, 165 storm petrel, 1444 kittiwake, 18 great skua, and 5 whimbrel came in. Other sighting included a single great northern and 2 red-throated divers, 690 golden plover and a grey heron.
