10th October
A fresh south easterly wind was a long awaited autumn first and finally produced some birds! The vast majority being thrushes with 3155 redwing, 126 song thrush, 50 blackbird, 56 fieldfare and 7 ring ouzels. The first woodcock was seen by Kirbest, a grey wagtail flew through, then in the afternoon a surprise find at Nether Linnay was North Ronaldsay's first ever red kite. Other migrant totals were 6 grey heron, 6 robin, 3 blackcap, a redstart, 4 chiffchaff, 7 goldcrest, 3 chaffinch, 10 brambling and a greenfinch.
Red Kite - 1st North Ronaldsay record
Red Kite - 1st North Ronaldsay record
