12th October

A fine and calm day with a light scattering of new migrants, small twite flocks were heading south with a day total of 49 and snow buntings were up with at least 179. Netting at Holland boosted common migrant numbers which were 48 redwing, 5 song thrush, 27 fieldfare, 18 goldcrest, 5 chiffchaff, 5 blackcap, 4 dunnock, a redstart, 9 robin, 4 brambling, 5 chaffinch and 6 greenfinch, whilst scarce migrants included a bluethroat at Sangar and a common rosefinch at Rue. Late afternoon produced the highlight when a LANCEOLATED WARBLER was found near the Observatory, the nearby heligoland trap was literally held together and the bird was consequently trapped and processed representing the 2nd North Ronaldsay record. Golden plover numbers remain reasonably high with 600 today and 2 north western redpolls were hanging around the Obs'.

Lanceolated Warbler


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