26th October
2 shelduck appeared on Gretchen Loch, 6 pink-footed geese were amongst greylag flocks and still present were the jackdaw, stock dove, 3 woodpigeon and now 2 black redstarts by the Obs'. A much calmer day than of late no doubt lead to an increase in smaller migrants with 33 robin, 3 dunnock, 6 chiffchaff and 3 goldcrest. A ring ouzel was at the north end and other thrushes included 276 fieldfare, 20 song thrush, and 233 redwing. 16 woodcock were logged, a very late wood sandpiper was at West Beach and 6 jack snipe were booted from around Bridesness.
An assortment of chiffchaffs

An assortment of chiffchaffs
