26th April
It was another glorious sunny day, and most of the best birds were not found until after lunch. The highlight of the day was a Long-eared Owl that was seen arriving from over the sea in the afternoon. A Common Sandpiper was new for the year, as were 2 Sedge Warblers that equalled the species's earliest ever arrival on the island and a littoralis Rock Pipit.
Small numbers of other migrants were again dotted around the island, and included 4 Sand Martins, 38 Swallows, 8 White Wagtails, 2 Dunnocks, a Robin, 135 Wheatears, a Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaffs, 5 Willow Warblers, a Chaffinch and 6 Lapland Buntings. The day's corvid passage involved 3 Jackdaws and 4 Carrion Crows, while 5 Whimbrels, 3 Woodpigeons and 2 Sparrowhawks were the pick of the remaining non-passerines.

Just one Black-tailed Godwit remained from the recent mini-influx.