4th April

A Stock Dove was the most unusual sighting of the day, and another new species for the year. Wheatears increased to 29 birds; 36 Fieldfares, 21 Redwings 5 Goldcrests and 9 Lapland Buntings were logged; and a count of 9 Sandwich Terns was the highest yet this spring. Other species seen included 4 Great Skuas, 2 Dunnocks and 2 Robins.

One of the Wheatears was wearing colour-rings; we should soon find out where it was ringed. In other colour-ring news, one of the Twites that was on the island last month has just been refound on Fair Isle.


tommyart saidā€¦
I found that Twite in my garden if you want to see it's photo...
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thanks for posting the wheatear pic. I first ringed this male on Fair Isle on 10th May 2009, when his plumage showed he fledged in 2008. He successfully raised a brood close to the South Lighthouse. He was back again on Fair Isle last year.