3rd April
A variety of notables, spread thinly around the island, made for a reasonably interesting morning census round. Three taxa made their first appearance in the year's log: a Collared Dove, a White Wagtail, and three northbound Carrion Crows. Three Grey Plovers were on the Links, a Woodpigeon was at the north of the island, 8 Lapland Buntings were in the field at Kirbest and counts of other small migrants included a Grey Wagtail, 2 Robins, 9 Wheatears, 2 Song Thrushes, 21 Redwings, a Chiffchaff, 2 Goldcrests and 5 Siskins. The Knot was still present, 2 Sandwich Terns were in Nouster Bay again and a Great Skua was seen at sea.


Lapland Bunting