3rd - 4th August
Seven Swifts flew south on the 3rd while the first returning Common Sandpiper was found before a late afternoon seawatch produced two Sooty Shearwaters, 33 Manx Shearwaters and 7 Storm Petrels. The 4th produced a wider variety of early autumn migrants with a juvenile Hen Harrier, a Kestrel, a Common Redpoll and 5 Swifts seen across the island. There was also another notable influx of waders through the day with 35 Black-tailed Godwits, two Green Sandpipers, a Ruff, 9 Whimbrel and at least 955 Golden Plover the highlights while the Arctic Tern flock around Bewan increased back up to 2800+ birds with two Common Terns picked out amongst them. The breeding pair of Blue-headed Wagtails were still present at Ancum with at least one juvenile in tow.