5th - 6th August
There were 4 Ruff, 15 Black-tailed Godwits and 11 Whimbrel amongst reduced wader numbers on the 5th when there were also 13 Swifts lingering over the Obs, the first two Sand Martins of the autumn and a juvenile Crossbill, also at the Obs. A quieter day on the 6th produced another 10 Swifts overhead, two flyover Crossbills and an adult Blackcap trapped at Holland House - the first returning bird of the autumn. We also finally confirmed that the over-summering Chiffchaffs at Holland House have indeed bred with the appearance of several still-fluffy juveniles, the first breeding record for North Ronaldsay!
Sand Martin and Swallow
One of the fledgling Chiffchaffs at Holland House