16th - 17th October

The Blyth's Reed Warbler was still present around the Observatory on the 16th with a drake Velvet Scoter (a scarce bird on the island!) past the seawatch hide the day's other highlight; also of note was one remaining Yellow-browed Warbler and lingering Wood Sandpiper, Great-spotted Woodpecker, Black-tailed Godwit and Canada Goose which all made it through to the 17th as well.   The highlight of the 17th was a Coue's Arctic Redpoll which was trapped at Holland House in the morning - unfortunately the ringing team present at the time messed up and it wasn't realised as such until photos were looked at in the evening (we won't mention any names!).   Also of note was a brief Chiffchaff ssp. near Burray which looked good for a Siberian, the Bluethroat still lurking in the Ancum Irises, a/the male Northern Bullfinch seen near Holland, a late Swallow also caught at Holland, 10 Jack Snipe and two Woodcock as well as small numbers of common migrants including Thrushes, Blackcaps and Goldcrests.

Coue's Arctic Redpollļ»æ

Water Rail - Steve Sankeyļ»æ
