20th October
After yesterday's rain and wind there was a fine array of migrants around the island today with the pick being our third Olive-backed Pipit of the autumn which showed well near the Obs in the late afternoon. The main feature was an excellent arrival of at least 106 Blackcaps with a Garden Warbler, a Whinchat, two Willow Warblers and a Lesser Whitethroat mixed in, Thrushes were also well represented with 180 Blackbirds, 320 Fieldfares and 300 Redwings counted. Other typical late autumn migrants included 2 Sparrowhawks, 13 Woodcock, a Short-eared Owl, 27 Robins, two Ring Ouzels, 14 Chiffchaffs, 50 Bramblings, two Black Redstarts, a Mistle Thrush and the year's first Yellowhammer. A build up of Gulls was also noted with 720 Herring and 350 Great Black-backed Gulls counted - mainly in the north of the island.