1st - 2nd November
The 1st of the month saw the island swept by strong southerly winds which led to a quiet days birding with a Black Redstart, 4 Woodcock, 7 Whooper Swans and a count of 130 Sanderling of note. The winds dropped right off on the 2nd to leave a very pleasant day with a good variety of late autumn migrants with the Little Bunting still in the Kirbest crop the pick; other birds on the land included a Black Redstart, a Wheatear, 2 Blackcaps, three Chiffchaffs, a flyover Redpoll sp. a slight influx of 300 Redwings and 11 Robins. A further 15 Whooper Swans flew south through the day, a Common Scoter was new on the sea, a count of 86 Purple Sandpipers was much higher than of late and the long staying Wood Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit were still around while three Hen Harriers, three Merlins and two Peregrines added excitement.