6th - 7th November

A fairly nice couple of days if you could avoid the showers (some of which admittedly were pretty fierce!); the Little Bunting was still in Kirbest crop on 6th when a look at the sea at lunchtime produced just two Sooty Shearwaters, two Little Auks and a Puffin while 20 Long-tailed Ducks and 10 Red-breasted Mergansers were counted off the east coast.   There was still a mixed flock of 200 Thrushes hanging around Holland House on 7th with several Robins and single Blackcap, Goldcrest, Chaffinch and Brambling still present.  A new Lesser Redpoll was trapped in the evening along with a lingering Mealy Redpoll and other bits of note included 7 Whooper Swans and a good count of 190 Purple Sandpipers.
Little Bunting
This Hooded Crow was caught at the Obs on the 7th
