20th November

A truly horrendous day with a cold northerly wind and regular showers but some time was still spent out in the field. The SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER was with the mixed wader flocks at Lenswick in the morning with 5 Whooper Swans also there. There were a few other sightings of note with a Little Auk, female Common Scoter and 14 Long-tailed Ducks in Linklet Bay and an immature Scaup on Hooking Loch. A total of 317 Wigeon were counted, most on the Links where the Grey Plover remains with 26 Dunlins and 72 Ringed Plovers. Passerine sightings were limited to a Chiffchaff and 2 Snow Buntings. 
 Whooper Swansļ»æ
