16th to 17th August

Not much to report in difficult conditions on a wet and windy 16th-a couple each of Green Sandpipers and Sand Martins most notable. With the forecast rain failing to materialise on 17th it was more pleasant birding, but after a calm start the wind had increased to near gale force by afternoon. The Barred Warbler was still at Holland House in the morning, where a/the Tree Pipit flew over and there were also 2 each of Garden and Willow Warblers. A moulting, adult Red-necked Phalarope on Gretchen Loch from mid-morning proved entertaining and may have been the bird first seen a few days ago? 48 Black-tailed Godwits were split between two flocks and Ruff continue to be prominent with at least 49 today-although the actual total could easily be closer to 70!

Arctic Skua
