24th-26th August

The 24th was more of the same with 2 Common Rosefinches the pick of what the light easterlies had to offer as well as 5 Willow Warblers. Elsewhere on the island it was migrant waders entertaining with a minimum of 1546 Golden Plovers, 14 Knot, 117 Sanderling, 19 Ruff and 34 Black-tailed Godwits. 7 Pochard arrived and a juvenile Peregrine was new, the Robin was trapped at Holland House and singles of Rock Pipit, White Wagtail and Sandwich Tern were seen. Continued seawatching attempts only frustrated with a single large shearwater sp. seen distantly, plus 8 Sooty Shearwaters, 26 Manx Shearwaters and two Common Terns also. As suspected the previous day 3 Common Rosefinches were confirmed to be present but the highlight came in the evening when a Hoopoe was found feeding on the west side; just the sixth North Ronaldsay record and the first for over ten years. A quieter 26th began well with an Icterine Warbler trapped at Holland House the highlight, whilst a 2 Grey Herons and 5 Black-tailed Godwits flew south, 5 Whimbrel were in the fields, the first 2 juvenile Hen Harriers appeared on time and 3 more Sooty Sheawaters passed the North end.

Icterine Warbler
