20th - 23rd August
With calm sea's, light east winds and large Shearwaters in the North Sea seawatching dominated the first half of this period, the 21st the better day with 9 Sooty Shearwaters and 137 Manx shearwaters, a 'blue' Fulmar amongst 1369 typical Fulmars, 238 Gannets, 247 Kittiwakes and best of all a Pomarine Skua. A second of the this species was reported later that day as well as a Great Shearwater.
9 Pochard arrived on 21st and Garden Warbler and Common Redpoll were new. Ruff totalled 37, singles of Greenshank and Common Tern were seen and the Red-necked Phalarope remained. An early Robin was at Holland on 22nd as were 2 each of Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler. Also present were 27 Black-tailed Godwits and a Green Sandpiper. The 23rd held a little more excitement as September approaches with another/the Common Rosefinch near Kirbest and a Wood Warbler by Greenwall. A Tree Sparrow at the Bird Observatory was potentially that seen earlier in the week while its much commoner cousin the House Sparrow, reached a respectable figure of 225. Meadow Pipits continue to increase with152 today as do Wagtails with 2 White and 20 Alba's were logged and the first returning Red-throated Diver was noted.
Common Rosefinch