12th-13th October

After being spoilt so far this autumn the last couple of days have felt pretty quite as the conditions have been favourable for migrants to move on. Counts of Thrushes were much reduced with just 30 or so each of Redwing and Song Thrush on both dates and Blackcaps have been down to around about 15 daily, although ringing at Holland gardens has indicated a steady turnover. The most interesting passerines were the Grey Wagtail and Black Redstart still, 30 Snow and a Lapland Bunting on 12th and a late Whinchat, Garden Warbler and a flyover Redpoll on 13th. The Scaup and Goldeneye remain on Gretchen and there was some Greylag Goose movement noted with 340 on 12th including 190 south and 497 on 13th clearly also involving some incomers.

Scaup and Goldeneye
