1st October
Neither of yesterday's headline makers could be found today but there were still some smart new arrivals to be enjoyed in the bright and breezy conditions. Bird of the day went to an obliging 1st winter (female) Bluethroat in coastal Irises on Viggay Banks, near Bridesness found by one of our birding guests late afternoon which went on to show well to staff. Earlier, a Hawfinch spent the morning in Holland gardens where a Pied Flycatcher was also present. The Brent Goose was still at the north end, while other lingering birds included the Ruff near Holland and late Common Sandpiper at Trinley. We haven't had everyone's counts in yet but at least 3 Jack Snipe were flushed, a Sand Martin seen along with a Tree Pipit, 3 Yellow-browed Warblers and at least 43 Brambling.
Bluethroat (photo by Kevin Kelly)