10th to 13th March

The first few days were all about the wind, with storm force conditions making life difficult standing up let alone focussing binoculars. The 13th though was a different story, with not even a breath of wind and glorious sunshine for most of the day and there were even a few spring migrants to go with the at last, better weather. New birds for the year included the first Pied Wagtail on 11th, with 8 present by 13th followed by singles of Sparrowhawk, Stonechat and Rook all on 13th too. The Hooking Tundra Bean Goose was seen on the first 2 dates, with 2 Greenland White fronted Geese that day and 1 subsequently, while the Green-winged Teal put in an appearance on 13th. Both the usual Glaucous Gulls were noted on 12th, with a single 11th and 13th while a 2nd winter Iceland Gull was off Bridesness on 10th. A Woodcock on 13th was new, with up to 2 Hen Harriers, a Merlin and a Peregrine more likely lingering individuals. There's also been slightly more passerine interest than of late with the Mistle Thrush still present on 10th, along with a small arrival of Fieldfares and Redwings on 13th when a Siskin passed above and Skylarks, a few more Meadow and Rock Pipits also clearly passing through with the improvement in the weather.
Tundra Bean Goose (photo Stephen Rutt)
Mistle Thrush
Eider (photo Stephen Rutt)
