23rd to 25th March
New arrivals have been at a premium but daily signs of encouragement are better than nothing! Pick of the birds on offer have been a juvenile Iceland Gull on 23rd, the first Collared Dove of 2015 on 24th and Black Redstart, Goldcrest, 2 Chaffinch and 8 Whooper Swans (5 new birds) all on 25th. Long-stayers have been the Geeen-winged Teal daily, the usual juvenile Glaucous Gull on 24th and 25th with the Tundra Bean, 2 Pink-footed, 2 Greenland White-fronted and 7 Barnacle Geese also all still in residence.
Greenland White-fronted Goose (photo Stephen Rutt)
Reed Bunting