1st to 2nd March
So apparently its spring now, but in the cold wind it didn't feel like it on 1st. The same 'interesting' Geese were recorded on both dates with the Tundra Bean Goose still near the school, the 2 'new' Greenland White-fronted Geese near Holland, plus the Pink-footed and the 7 Barnacle Geese. The drake Green-winged Teal made it into the new month being seen again at Gretchen on 2nd, as did both the juvenile Glaucous Gulls the same day. Other sightings from the 2nd were of another Jack Snipe at Kirbest, growing numbers of Skylarks with 67 present and a 'dark phase' Fulmar flew over the Links golf course heading west.
Greenland White-fronted Goose