10th April
A beautiful spring day, with wall to wall sunshine and a light south-westerly wind. After the morning census had revealed a small arrival of migrant passerines including the year's first House Martin and Dunnock plus 21 Wheatears, lunchtime mutterings of "looking good for a raptor" certainly came true at around 3.45 when every Goose, Wader and Gull in the Bridesness area took to the skies! The culprit, an immature White-tailed Eagle was quickly located and that put an end to the days maintenance tasks as the land-rovers were scrambled and the mighty beast was followed around the island for the next few hours, last seen sitting on Torness. Other migrants recorded were 4 more Swallows during Eagle antics, 36 Redwings, 2 Robins, 150 Meadow Pipits, a Carrion Crow and a Greenshank flew south over the Observatory. Long-staying Geese included the Tundra Bean, a Greenland White-front and 6 Pink-footed while at least 1 Hen Harrier, a Merlin and 3 Sandwich Terns were also notable.
White-tailed Eagle (top 3 by Stephen Rutt)
And another with the island's sheep, resting on the links golf course