19th to 21st April
Calm weather on the 19th saw the Black-throated Diver recorded again, this time off Stromness Point with 22 Great Northern Divers in the same area and the 2 Pale-bellied Brent Geese re-located to the north end. New migrants that day included 3 Bramblings and the first Common Redpoll of the year at Holland gardens and a Sparrowhawk, with 2 seen next day when a Jackdaw and 3 Rooks were the most notable birds. A gloomier 21st, with fog drifting in by evening produced a Long-eared Owl which crash landed into the patio furniture outside the Observatory before recovering its senses and showing well in the Nouster area. There was also a Black Redstart, a House Martin, at least 6 Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler while a lone Barnacle Goose was likely a new bird and Pink-footed Geese numbers rose to 6.
Black Redstart
Long-eared Owl (both photos by George Gay)