6th to 9th April

After the past few days, it feels safe to say that spring has arrived on the island, heralded by sunshine and an arrival of 9 Wheatears on the island today. Also new in (and new for the year) were a White Wagtail and a Greenshank on Garso loch. There were particular spikes in counts of Meadow Pipits -- from 56 on the 6th and 83 on the 8th to 252 today -- and Redwings, which have built up from 44 on the 8th to 74 today.

Geese are remaining the subject of much attention. On 7th 37 Pink-footed Geese arrived at dusk, leaving only 5 to be found the next morning when a new Greenland White-fronted Goose was discovered. At least three Greenland White-fronted Geese remain on the island, as does the Tundra Bean Goose, seen on the 7th and the 8th.

2 Sparrowhawks were trapped on the 8th, and 2 were seen on the 9th as well.

The regular 2 Glaucous Gulls are still being seen frequently, along with 2 Merlin and 2-3 Goldcrests every day.

 Male Sparrowhawk
 Female Sparrowhawk (photo Stephen Rutt)
ļ»æRedwing (photo Stephen Rutt)
