26th to 28th November

A 'stank' around the south and eastern parts of the island on 26th was largely unproductive with hoped for increases in wildfowl and gulls feeding in the swell failing to materialise. That date did however produce the best counts of passerines with 44 Redwings (including likely 20 new arrivals at Holland gardens), 20 Fieldfares, 29 Blackbirds, a Chiffchaff at the observatory, 45 Twite and 2 Linnets logged. The Green-winged Teal was seen at Gretchen on all three dates while a look at the northern end of the isle on 28th yielded better results. The male Northern Harrier was seen in the Garso and Ancum areas and bar the occasional (thus far undetected) wandering elsewhere he has now clocked up an impressive two months on the isle. A juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Goose at Lenswick (and later past the Obs) was a decent newcomer, an additional adult Whooper Swan had joined the 3 lingering birds, the hybrid American x Eurasian Wigeon was at Bridesness and 31 Snow Buntings near Bewan.

Northern Harrier - still here!

