30th October

With most of the day having been spent exploring neighbouring Papa Westray, the few hours of remaining daylight were spent with the nets open at Holland House with only a brief look at other areas. There was no chance to record any numbers properly but perhaps just 100 each of Blackbirds, Redwings and Fieldfares suggested many birds had moved on under the clear skies of the night before. The male Northern Harrier was however still present as were the 2 Great Grey Shrikes (at the Kirk and Ancum Willows) and there was also a Long-eared Owl at Holland gardens and at least 2 Short-eared Owl present. About 50 birds were caught and ringed at the nets, mainly Blackbirds while other birds seen (mostly) in that area included 8 Woodcocks, a Black Redstart (at Burray), 4 Chiffchaffs, a Siberian Chiffchaff, 2 Chaffinch, 10 Brambling, 3 Siskins and a Snow Bunting.

Brambling (photo George Gay)
Ok, so this one wasn't taken on North Ronaldsay but we like to promote Orkney birding too - Here's Papa Westray's 1st winter male Chestnut Bunting from 29th (photo George Gay)
