8th November
Further south-easterly winds which increased to near gale force by the afternoon offered up renewed enthusiasm for the team resulting in slightly better migrant figures being posted. A Ring Ouzel near the mast was new and the days totals of 110 Blackbirds, 116 Fieldfares, 5 Song Thrushes and 149 Redwings were all marginally higher than the last couple of days and there was also a Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaffs, 7 Goldcrests and 5 Snow Buntings. An hours sea-watch was typical of the last few attempts with 2 Sooty Shearwaters, 248 Fulmars, a Great Skua, 3 Little Auks, and 843 Auk sp. logged. The Smew remains on Bewan Loch, 27 Shovelers and 16 Long-tailed Ducks were decent counts while a Water Rail in the road at Nether Linnay looked somewhat out of place.
Water Rail (photo George Gay)