20th September

A lovely, calm, sunny, warm day with light winds which eventually swung round into the SE building up the anticipation for the week to come; there were a few highlights with a brief Buff-breasted Sandpiper seen in flight at the north end a bit frustrating while on the land the Marsh Warbler was still at Ancum Willows and a Barred Warbler at Quoybanks was possibly the bird last seen on the 10th or possibly not.   Other birds on the land included the overdue first Tree Pipit of the autumn at Holland (we still havenā€™t had Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher or House Martin yet either but hopefully this coming week will remedy that!), 247 Meadow Pipits, 3 Rock Pipits, 37 Wheatears, a Blackcap, the first migrant Chiffchaff of the autumn, 5 Willow Warblers, a Goldcrest and a Lapland Bunting.   Eight Pink-footed Geese were in fields by Brides and two each of Hen Harrier and Peregrine floated and zoomed around respectively. 

Marsh Warbler
