24th September

Clearer in the morning but spitting rain moved in at lunchtime and then low cloud, then more drizzle creating a very wet afternoon but all the while the lovely, brisk ESE wind continued to sweep across the island.   The highlight of the day (at least for one person) was brief views of a RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL in Holland House gardens which no one else could catch up with (anyone thatā€™s been in the incredibly dense Fuchsia garden can testify to the frustrating viewing in there!); other scarcities included 2 Red-breasted Flycatchers ā€“ the Holland bird still and another new one at Westness, a single Yellow-browed Warbler and the Barred Warbler again.   There were some much improved migrant totals from the day which comprised 21 Pink-footed Geese, 56 Barnacle Geese, 3 Sparrowhawks, 4 Kestrels, 8 Swallows, 221 Meadow Pipits, 7 Rock Pipits, 45 alba Wagtails, 8 Redstarts, 2 Whinchat, 45 Wheatears, a Fieldfare, 74 Song Thrush, 10 Redwing, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 9 Blackcap, 9 Chiffchaffs, 8 Goldcrests, the first Chaffinch of the autumn, 5 Lapland Buntings and 2 Snow Buntings.
