3rd September
stunning start to the day, super flat calm, clear and sunny but the wind
gradually picked up, eventually bringing some heavy rain by late afternoon; the
pick of the birds were again on the sea with the highlight being a very early,
surprise Little Auk (unsurprisingly our earliest ever!) along with
8 Sooty Shearwaters, the first Great-northern Diver since July and 4 Rissoās Dolphins.
Other birds included 3 Herons, the first 4 Pink-footed Geese of the autumn, single Hen
Harrier and Peregrine, a Grey Plover, 148 Knot, 3 Whinchat, the Barred Warbler glimpsed briefly at Holland, single Whitethroat and Lesser
Whitethroat and 3 Willow Warblers.