14th - 17th June
It would appear that Spring is well and truly passed, on a migration front at least. The breeding birds are still doing relatively well with lots of fledgling Starlings, House Sparrows and waders still keeping us preoccupied.
On a migrant front the Red-rumped Swallow re-appeared between Westness and Quoybanks on 15th and spent the late afternoon at the latter location showing quite well, a change from its previous ability to vanish at will! A group of seven Canada Geese did a tour of the island between 14th-15th before departing and a flock of eight Siskin were around the obs trapping area on 16th. Otherwise as stated its been very much business as usual with hardly migrant birds to look at.
In other news with the Avian Flu epidemic worsening and it being apparently present within birds in North Ronaldsay the BTO have introduced a blanket ban on sea-bird ringing, which makes it exceedingly unlikely we're going to get into the Terns, Tysties and Fulmars this Summer. Hopefully this will stop the spread in some way and allow the colonies across Scotland to breed without any additional pressures.
Red-rumped Swallow |