2nd - 5th June

The short spell of easterlies came to an abrupt end at the beginning of the week, giving rise to yet more northerlies and some very drifty westerlies. However, we can't complain at the bright sunshine and warm weather making the sometimes quiet census more enjoyable.

The 2nd started with the Marsh Warbler trapped the previous Tuesday being seen and heard again in Holland House Gardens, being joined by a second individual later in the afternoon. Also at Holland were two Common Whitethroats and a single Spotted Flycatcher. A very showy Curlew Sandpiper was found at Bewan, and an illusive unstreaked Acro sp. in Ancum Willows proved too difficult to pin down to nail an ID. The evening saw the first Hobby of the year speed south over Lurand, briefly being seen as it disturbed the island's resident breeding birds.

The 3rd was a fairly quiet day for birding , but with two Spotted Flycatchers being ringed at Holland, and another individual in the Antabreck Garden, things kept ticking over. The Marsh Warbler was still present in Holland House Gardens and the Corncrake only previously heard singing was finally seen as it flew from the edge of Hooking Loch back to its previous haunt at Peckhole. A Merlin was seen being mobbed by Starlings at Scottigar, a species which wouldn't normally get a mention in the blog but with such a quiet year for birds of prey compared to last years constant through flow of Merlin and Hen Harrier, the sighting became quite notable. The only other bird of note was a female type Whinchat found at the airfield in the afternoon. Elsewhere, another Ringed Plover was trapped, joining others caught previously in the year as part of the UK's first colour flagging project for this species.

The 4th was a very bird-less day, with only the Corncrake being heard again at Peckhole. 

The 5th was another quiet day and windless for most of the morning, switching to drifty easterlies by the afternoon. We managed to add Little Stint to the year list however when two were found on Gretchen in the early evening.

With the weather set to get better in the week ahead, and reports of the White-throated Needletail apparently being released somewhere near Scotland, we remain hopeful and motivated for the coming days.

Spotted Flycatcher

Colour flagged Ringed Plover


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