16th August
A much busier day today with a number of new arrivals, most notably were a nightjar in off the sea at the North end and a wood warbler at Twinyess, with willow warblers increasing to 6 and a kestrel was by the seawatch hide. The buff-breasted sandpiper was again picked out amongst 789 golden plover, and other remaining birds were the grey heron and the 2 ruff on Gretchen Loch. A single green sandpiper was seen over and knot numbers had risen to an impressive 145, with 355 turnstone and 94 ringed plover also notable increases. Wheatears and meadow pipits were more evident today with counts of 35 and 57 respectively. A single sooty shearwater and 5 manx shearwater passed at sea and a great northern diver was on the sea.
