19th August
Another good mix of species today with notably 2 wryneck, a barred warbler and a wood warbler new in. Common redstarts were seen in Dew Park and at Westness, a spotted flycatcher was at Seness and 2 pied flycatchers were noted. Common warblers included 3 whitethroat, 3 garden warbler, a single reed warbler, and willow warblers had risen slightly to 26. 7 whinchat were scattered along the West side of the island, 2 sand martins came in from the South and a number of raptors seen today with 2 merlin, and singles of kestrel, sparrowhawk and peregrine. Waders were represented by the seemingly resident buff-breasted sandpiper, 16 black-tailed godwit and both little stint and common sandpiper on Gretchen Loch.