10th-11th November
The 10th was another still, windless day but a change on 11th to the strong south-easterlies again means there's no let up in the birding just yet. The main sightings from the former date were of 2 Sparrowhawks (with a new male trapped and ringed), 3 Hen Harriers, 4 Knot, 26 (late) Black-headed Gulls passing south, a Woodpigeon, 34 Twite, 2 Goldfinches and 40 Snow Buntings. The drake Green-winged Teal was present on Gretchen on both days and there was also a smattering of new Robins and Warblers, while any Thrushes seen were thought to be mainly lingering birds. On 11th the Short-toed Lark was found to still be present in the stubble field at Nether Linnay and of the new arrivals 9 Goldcrests on the western coast were the most notable. There was also a Water Rail on the coast, 2 Dunnocks were likely new and a Black Redstart was caught and ringed in the new Heligoland trap.
Black Redstart