24th-26th November

In better weather some outdoor trap and maintenance work has taken priority but there have been a few bits and pieces seen during the period. The drake Green-winged Teal has been seen on Gretchen daily, while up to 9 lingering Tundra Bean Geese on 24th was the maximum count. The juvenile Greenland White-fronted Goose and Goosander were also seen on that date and on 25th an Iceland/Glaucous Gull passed the Lurn too quickly to be identified with certainty. Passerines have included c30/40 new Redwings/Blackbirds daily, with the occasional Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Robin also new in. At least 3 Black Redstarts included a stunning adult male caught in the Heligolands on 25th on which date a Greenfinch also flew over.

Black Redstart


Andy Close saidā€¦
What a cracker!