27th November
A bit more time in the field today with 2 out the 6 census routes visited and an hour also spent sea-watching. A late Great Skua, 2 Little Auks and a 'dark phase' Fulmar were the highlights from that session with 139 Fulmars, 95 Kittiwakes and 91 Auk sp. also counted. There were 10 Tundra Bean Geese (3 near the Lighthouse, 3 Surgery and 4 Gretchen) while an 11th individual-a juvenile of currently unassigned race (but perhaps Taiga?) was also near the Surgery. The Pale-bellied Brent Goose was still at Trolla Vatn and there were also 49 Pink-footed Geese, at least 1 Grey Plover and a Black Redstart at Senness was the only passerine worth mentioning.
Bean Goose ssp. The bill length and shape, lack of a forehead and fairly long looking neck are perhaps more indicative of Taiga Bean Goose? Or are the apparent differing features from all the recent Tundra Bean Geese simply a result of this bird being a juvenile?
For comparison a record shot of the 3 Tundra Bean Geese near the Lighthouse