3rd-4th November
Some cracking winter sunshine on 3rd allowed for plenty of time in the field and the mist-nets at Holland House to be opened for most of the day. There were no stand out birds and Thrush numbers were much reduced but counts of other passerines came to 73 Robins, 2 Black Redstarts, a Dunnock, 14 Blackcaps, 4 Chiffchaffs, 15 Goldcrests, 11 Chaffinches, 5 Bramblings, singles of Greenfinch, Siskin and Mealy Redpoll and 45 Snow Buntings. We've been keeping an eye on a 'quack' we originally identified as a moulting/1st winter American Wigeon and from the onset there had been a few nagging concerns that it "wasn't quite right"! Its been seen well at Bridesness a couple of times over the last week and we're now fairly sure it has to be a hybrid American x Eurasian Wigeon-never mind! Other birds on 3rd were 4 (perhaps wintering) Little Grebes, 4 Hen Harriers, 8 Woodcocks and a Great Skua. The 4th really did feel like winter wasn't far away with a cooling northerly wind blowing all day. The drake Green-winged Teal was seen on again on Gretchen and the 1st winter male Bluethroat was still present in the seaweed furrows on the beach at Hooking. A drake Goldeneye was also seen and 3 Black Redsarts included at least 2 new birds at the north end of the golf course.
Whooper Swan
Presumed hybrid American x Eurasian Wigeon