20th-21st November

The sun finally came out on the 20th but not for long-it was gone again by the following day as signs of the next south-easterly storm began to show itself by afternoon. A ringing session at Holland gardens early on the former date yielded at least 3 unexpected Long-eared Owls about at dawn (2 of which were later trapped and ringed) and also a late Dunnock. A Short-eared Owl was then seen flying south past the Observatory over the sea on 21st when 2 Goldfinches popped up at the north end. We don't usually report Rock Doves but an impressive build up of 118 in the crop fields around the Observatory was noteworthy with the same food source no doubt attracting the Yellowhammer which was seen on both dates. The Green-winged Teal remains as do 7 Barnacle Geese, up to 50 Pink-footed Geese and the 2 European White-fronted Geese. There have been a few more Tundra Bean Geese and a turnover of birds seems likely, with 7 on the 20th becoming at least 9 (possibly 10) on the 21st.
Long-eared Owl
