17th and 18th May

Wall to wall sunshine with a decreasing southerly wind on the 17th and with it tipped to be a good raptor day it was no real surprise that at least 2 Marsh Harriers were seen across the island with one seen heading high north towards Fair Isle and the other seen at several spots through the day.   The dayā€™s other highlight was the first Quail of the year which was seen flying past Holland towards the airstrip.

                There were limited other new arrivals as migrant totals included a big pale, sandy 1st winter female Peregrine, 2 Woodpigeons, 5 Collared Doves, a Sand Martin, 2 House Martins, 2 Song Thrush, a lingering Redwing, single Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff, 4 Willow Warblers, a Pied Flycatcher, only the second Jackdaw of the year and 3 Mealy Redpolls.   A good arrival of 780+ Arctic Terns were mainly around the north end of the island while waders were still prominent with 180 Sanderling, 113 Purple Sandpipers, 60 Dunlin, a Whimbrel and 461 Turnstone counted.

The Raven fledglings were out exploring,  photo Simon Davies

                The 18th was another awesome day warm, sunny with light NE winds but all in all a quiet day for migrants as the only real new birds noted were a little influx of at least 7 singing Sedge Warblers in funny places and the first Reed Warbler of the year.   Other counts included 2 Woodpigeons, a Sand Martin, 4 Chiffchaffs and 2 Pied Flycatchers while 3 Red-throated Divers and 9 Great-northern Divers were counted on calm seas.

Until another angry (d**k) Oystercatcher decided he was exploring too far and knocked him off the wall!
