19th and 20th May
Overcast and chilly on the 19th with a brisk
NE wind; all four Divers were again off the island with another cracking summer
plumaged White-billed
Diver lingering off the seawatch hide
while the first summer Black-throated
Diver reappeared in Nouster along with counts of 6 Red-throated and 7
Great-northern Divers. Single Pintail
and Garganey were notable while good numbers of waders were again present
including 189 Ringed Plover, 224 Sanderling, 36 Knot and 19 Bar-tailed Godwits
but 30 Purple Sandpipers were a reduced figure (to be expected as they move off
were a bit slow with a Grey Wagtail
at Brides and 4 Mealy Redpolls the pick along with a Woodpigeon, 6 Sand
Martins, 3 House Martins, 8 Sedge Warblers (with many of the breeding birds
back on territory now) and single Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff and Pied
Pied Flycatcher, photo Simon Davies
miserable morning on the 20th with persistent, heavy rain and a
cold, strong NE wind kept most people indoors but it slightly improved in the
afternoon (i.e. the rain became lighter) allowing some decent new birds to be
unearthed, highlighted by a female Bluethroat
out on the point at Trinley, the first Curlew
Sandpiper of the year on the beach at Westness in amongst the big wader
flocks still present ā which included a yearās high count of 105 Knot, a new
drake Garganey which joined the long staying pair and now at least 6 Mealy
Redpolls milling about.
birds included 5 Great-northern Divers, 3 Herons, single Woodpigeon and
Collared Dove, 6 Sand Martins, 8 House Martins, a Willow Warbler, a Black
Redstart which got stuck in the tractor shed, a White Wagtail, 3 Sedge
Warblers, 4 Chiffchaffs, 3 Willow Warblers, 4 Spotted Flycatchers, a Pied
Flycatcher and a late Chaffinch.
Mealy Redpolls, photos Simon Davies