3rd and 4th May

A stunning day on the 3rd with light easterly winds and wall to wall sunshine, again though, probably too nice for a big arrival of birds but again though, there was a great variety of migrants spread across the island; the Red-winged Blackbird continued to show to all comers while the best new arrival was 1 or possible 2 Wrynecks with one seen at the Obs before it or another was trapped at Holland with the Hoopoe still at Nether Linney completing the highlights.

                Migrant totals through the day included 6 Sand Martins, a House Martin, 3 Tree Pipits, a Black Redstart, 2 Redstarts, 70 Wheatears, single Fieldfare, Song Thrush and Redwing, a Grasshopper Warbler trapped at the Obs, 4 Lesser Whitethroats, a Whitethroat, 3 Blackcap, 8 Chiffchaff, 36 Willow Warblers, a Chaffinch, a Lesser Redpoll and a Goldfinch.

                Other little bits of note consisted 3 Great-northern Divers, a Sparrowhawk, a Peregrine, a Hen Harrier heading north up the west coast, 6 Whimbrel and 9 immaculate plumaged Snow Buntings lingering on Torness.

Grasshopper Warbler,  photo Simon Davies

                Another amazing, glorious day on the 4th with not a cloud in the sky and very light winds produced another good mix of migrants although first we probably should mention the Red-winged Blackbird and Hoopoe which were both still in situ and showing well.

                The mix of species was probably a bit different to yesterday with almost an ā€˜early springā€™ feel to it as they included 5 Bramblings, a Mistle Thrush, 2 Fieldfares, single Song Thrush and Redwing, a Dunnock, a Woodpigeon, 2 Peregrines, 2 Merlins and a Sparrowhawk.   Other more typical May fare consisted of 25 Willow Warblers, 15 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcaps, 4 Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 56 Wheatears, a Tree Pipit, a Goldfinch, the Wood Sandpiper still, 2 Whimbrel, a Common Sandpiper and a big influx of 210+ Arctic Terns roosting out on Seal Skerry.

                Other notable birds included 4 Red-throated and 3 Great-northern Divers, 3 Knot, 51 Purple Sandpipers, 10 Bar-tailed Godwits and 2 lingering Pink-footed Geese.
The very flighty Hoopoe,  photo Simon Davies

Wood Sandpiper,  photo Simon Davies

Lesser Whitethroat,  photo Simon Davies
